Innofy (deprecated)

Innofy - Stable Diffusion Prompt Templates (deprecated)


This product is deprecated as of Sep 16, 2023. It won't received any updates, some of its functions are not working as expected.


The next iteration of this product is rebranded as PencilsOut Blueprints, you can read more about it here.

Innofy is an online platform to create, search and share stable diffusion prompt templates in few seconds. Innofy enables easy quick access to high-quality, vetted and safe text-to-image prompts through an intuitive semantic search engine interface.

Innofy main

Guide (for reference only)


Creating a prompt Template

  1. Click Create at the top-right corner.

Click on create

  1. Choose the category that best describes your prompt

Choose prompt category

  1. Type (or paste) your prompt into the input box. Use curly places as tokens for dynamic input. In this example, the user needs to enter a value hair_color whenver they use this template.

Input your prompt

  1. Type (or paste) your negative prompt (opens in a new tab) into the input box.

Input your prompt

  1. Upload an example of image generated using the prompt.

Input your prompt

  1. Write a brief description of the prompt.

Input your prompt

  1. Choose one of the available diffusion models and click on Create

Input your prompt


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